Sunday, March 23, 2014

Martes, 1 de abril: Near Future

Today we further practiced the present tense of the verb tener (to have/to be). We also covered expressions and verbs dealing with weather: hace frío (it is cold)  hace calor (it is hot), llueve (it rains) etc.

So far we have just explored the present tense in class. Next week we are going to start expressing ideas in the future tense. To do so we are going to learn the present tense of the verb IR and use it as follows:

Ir (present tense) + a + infinitive


(Yo) voy a viajar a Cuba en agosto (I am going to travel to Cuba in August)
Isabel va a estudiar italiano (Isabel is going to study Italian)
Dora y Boots van a comer plátanos (Dora and Boots are going to eat bananas).
Mañana (nosotros) vamos a cocinar  un pastel (We are going to cook a cake tomorrow)

Please watch the videos below in preparation for class. We will practice this concept at Academy during the next few weeks so do not worry if you do not understand everything you hear at first.

IR- to go, Present Tense

Ir + a + infinitivo