Tuesday, May 21, 2013

20 de mayo: Papel Picado y Piñatas.

one broken piñata
Yesterday we worked on present tense conjugations and made some papel picado decorations. During lunch we got to whack three piñatas.

If you wish, finish the assignment provided in class: conjugate any three -ar ending verbs of your choosing in the construction paper chart that you built for the verb hablar (to speak). As promised, there will be some extra candy for those of  you who bring their finished assignment to class on June 3

Enjoy the pictures below, have a great Memorial Day weekend and see you in a couple of weeks!

 ¡Hasta junio!

piñata whacking, very junior division
several samples of papel picado

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

14 de mayo: Conjugations

Piñata de culebra
On Monday students were introduced to conjugating verbs in the present tense. 

Below you will find three videos that approach how to conjugate regular (following a pattern) -ar ending verbs such as the ones we learned in class (refer to photocopies handed in class if you need to)

Please, if you can,  take a look at all of them, even when some of them are a little bit longer than what we are used to in this class. You can also click here, here and here.

Thanks and see you next Monday.

Oh, I almost forgot, if  the weather cooperates we will finally get to break the piñatas during lunch.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

6 de mayo: Fiesta del Cinco de Mayo

Making guacamole, salsa, and chocolate
Yesterday we spent most of our class period in the kitchen preparing some food for our Cinco de Mayo celebration. We listened to mariachi music, made sangría, chocolate con churros, and delicious salsa and guacamole. We also displayed some of the finished piñatas at our fiesta (see below). Thanks to everybody for your help and for making this possible!

On Monday we will continue learning about likes and dislikes and will learn how to express what kind of activities we enjoy to do: Me gusta cantar y bailar (I like to sing and dance), ¿Te gusta jugar? (Do you like to play?), etc.

During our lunch break, students in our class will get to hit a couple of piñatas: (pirata y mono, below) and share the experience (and candy) with everybody at Academy.

Enjoy the following pictures and see you all on Monday. ¡Hasta el lunes!

estrella, palacio y cara feliz. Nice!

mini piñata (about 2'' long). So cute!

Piñatas para el lunes.

Raspando (shaving) el chocolate.

churros, salsa y totopos (tortilla chips)

Me gusta el chocolate espeso

Me gusta la sangría con fruta