Next week we will move on to the parts of the body.
In preparation for class, please practice some of the main parts of the body by watching these videos and doing the interactive activities in the links below.
I do not particularly care if you know ALL the parts. However, see how many you can learn and memorize for class
Play the videos and online activities as many times as you need to. Remember that in learning repetition can be helpful and that hearing them once may not be enough for you to remember.
VIDEO: The face
You can find an interactive activity to learn the face here and an interactive game here.
The song in the video below is a fun way to learn and remember las partes del cuerpo (the parts of the body). Remember, you do not need to learn all of them, though. Parts of the song you need to know:
Las partes del cuerpo The parts of the body,
vamos a cantar we are going to sing,
y tú and you,
las tienes que tocar have to touch them
Las partes de la cara the parts of the face
Empezamos otra vez we start again.
Y no empezamos otra vez and we do not start again.
VIDEO: Parts of the body in Spanish.
You can find an interactive link to practice the parts of the body here and a game here.