Monday, March 11, 2013

03/11/13: El abecedario, ¿Como estás? Buenos días....

Today we learned the alphabet and the sounds in Spanish, covered several new basic greetings and practiced the colors and numbers some more.

If you want to practice the alphabet online go to this 123TeachMe link and/or watch any of these short videos. Don't be overwhelmed by all the talk before and after the song in the third video (they are basically asking Cosmo, the dog, to join them)

You can also download a free Spanish Alphabet app here (Android). iOS users can find similar apps online.

Below, you'll find another three videos to practice some of the greetings covered in class today.

Hola, ¿Cómo estás? (Hello, How are you?)

Adiós, hasta luego...(Goodbye, see you later...)

Buenos días, buenas tardes y buenas noches (Good morning, afternoon/evening and night)

¡Gracias y hasta el lunes próximo! (Thank you and see you next Monday!)