Monday, April 15, 2013

15 de abril: Cumpleaños y Piñatas

Today we further practiced how to say dates in Spanish and learned how to express likes and dislikes. We also started building piñatas for our 5 de Mayo "celebration" which will take place during our May 6th class. In the course of the next few weeks we will start planning a vegan/gluten-free "Hispanic" menu to be put together by students in the kitchen during class.

If you could, please watch these two videos ahead of class. The first one is a short birthday song in Spanish by Ricky Martin and the second one a 10 minute documentary on a Piñata making family from Los Angeles (subtitled at times). Please notice how they use the hand held stapler to build their creations and how color paper is cut and over imposed to cover the finished pieces. We will have both (hand-held stapler and decorating paper) in class if you need them.

¡Hasta el lunes!