Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Martes, 15 de octubre: ¿Qué hora es?

Some of our calaveritas de azúcar.
Today we made our sugar skull bases. Once dry, we will finish decorating them so they can be displayed on November 5th.

Below you will find two videos in Spanish, that highlight the importance of remembrance during the Día de muertos. Don't worry if you don't understand what they are saying as we will go over them in class next week.

Dia de muertos 2010 Versión 01 from Jorge Enriquez on Vimeo.

Día de muertos 2010 Versión 02 from Jorge Enriquez on Vimeo.

Also, next week we will learn how to tell time in Spanish. Please go over the video below in preparation for class.

¡Hasta el martes!