For the next few weeks we are going to shift to culture and learn about the geography, foods and customs of Spanish speaking countries.
As you well know, not all countries in Latin America speak Spanish. people in Brazil, for example use Portuguese (another Romance language) as their main language, and other countries, like Peru, recognize both Spanish and Quechua (the unifying language spoken in the Inca Empire) as co-official languages.
Countries, like the US, have no official national language and although English is the common language, Spanish and English coexist in many urban areas and parts of Florida and the American Southwest.
Please watch the videos and click on the interactive links below in preparation for class.
VIDEO: Countries of the World
Check this site to learn the flags of Latin American countries. Choose one flag you like, print it (or draw it) and color it so you can bring it to class and show it to your classmates. See if you can learn anything about the flag symbol (if any) and share it with class. Mexico, for example, has an eagle and a snake on a nepal cactus and the history around this symbol can be traced, according to some, to the Aztecs.
Also, if you wish, you can play some interactive games while learning geography: North American countries/territories and capitals here. Central American countries and capitals here, and South American countries and capitals here. Remember, you do not need to know all of them.