Today we practiced how to ask and tell the time in Spanish. We also ate some chocolate euros...¡deliciosos!
We used the verb to be (es for 1 or son for 2-12) followed by the hour(s) and the minute(s). We also learned expressions such as en punto (o'clock), y cuarto (quarter past), y media (half past) as well as menos cuarto (quarter to).
¿Qué hora es?
Es la una y cinco, Es la una y cuarto, Es la una y media, Son las dos menos cuarto, Son las dos en punto, etc.
Please watch the video below to practice and reinforce what we learned today in class.
VIDEO: Practiquemos: How to tell time in Spanish
Also, intro students, please do pages 52-54 in you book (mediodia means noon, and medianoche means midnight). Advanced students, please do pages 79-80.
Both goups can go here to practice online how to tell the time of their liking (you choose parameters). For this interactive exercise you will see that they use de la manana (in the morning), de la tarde (in the afternoon/evening) and de la noche (in the evening/at night). You may want to refresh your memory on how we divide the day in Spanish by watching the video below (Muzzy: buenos dias, buenas tardes and buenas noches).
VIDEO: Muzzy: Buenos días...
Please parents, it is important that your student practice this concept on their own so we can use class time for other exercises.
Next day in class we will continue working on how tell the time and we will learn how to tell at what times we are going to do some activities.
¡Hasta el martes próximo!