Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Martes, 14 de enero: colores y adjetivos.

Hi, today we got to review numbers and dates (months) in class.

If you have a basic Spanish-English dictionary please bring it to class. If you prefer you can get free apps from the web. The Ascendo Spanish-English dictionary (free version) is more than enough for our beginners class. It is easy to search and provides the pronunciation of most words we will need in class this year. You can find it in both the Android market and iOS store. I will have some extra dictionaries in class for those who forget them, but you should try to make a habit of bringing your own dictionary to class from now on.

Next Tuesday I will pick up the list of words and expressions I distributed today: hola, gracias, por favor, etc. Try your best at completing it but please do not stress if there is something you don't know as we will work on it in class. We will also get to review adjectives and how they agree with nouns in gender and number. For example, el gato (cat) blanco becomes los gatos blancos in the plural while la gata blanca becomes las gatas blancas in the plural

white: singular: blanco (masculine) or blanca (feminine)
           plural:    blancos                   or blancas

Don't worry if it looks complicated at first, just watch the video below in preparation for class.

Gracias y hasta el martes.