Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Martes 7 de enero: Cumpleaños Feliz

Today I had fun in class. I hope you enjoyed our little taste of Spanish cuisine. We will have to do this again, sometime. I was thinking some paella and gazpacho next. Maybe even some churros con chocolate (like the ones we did last year)... we will see.

For the next few weeks we are going to be reviewing and build on what we have learned so far. Please watch the video below (American Cancer Association) and see if you can understand what Ricky Martin is saying.  I will give you a clue, after the song he says: "mi deseo es por un mundo con menos cáncer y con más cumpleaños".

Afterwards, and in preparation for class, please think of four (4) dates that are important to you (it could be birthdays, festivities, memorable events, etc.) and be ready to say them in Spanish and explain (in either Spanish or English) to other students in class why they are important to you.


My birthday is July 2nd, so... Mi cumpleaños es el dos de julio

The 4th of July is an important celebration....El Cuatro de Julio es una celebración importante.

¡Gracias y  hasta el martes!