Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Martes, 21 de enero: Marionetas


Today we reviewed noun-adjective agreement (number and gender) and I was very pleased to see how well prepared everybody was. For our next couple of classes we will continue practicing that concept.

Next Tuesday we are going to start working on a little play with puppets (las marionetas). We will work in small groups and if we get some good stories, we may even perform during our spring festival!

For starters, I would like for you to create some basic list of sentences (five to seven) that your puppets may say:

Hello, my name is.... and I am a .... (frog, rabbit, dragon, rat, butterfly, dog) Please looks those words up in a dictionary.
I am from....(Guatemala, Syracuse, Nueva York)
I am  (soy)....(big, small, tall, short, green, blue, etc.)
I am (soy) a (un/una)....(teacher, doctor, firefighter, etc.)
I am (estoy)...(happy, sad, tired, sick) Remember Sr. Howard?
I like....(remember the prince who disliked everything?)
I want ... (remember our video with the little Chihuahua dog?)
Good Bye!

And of course, The end (El fin).


Depending on the gender of your puppet the adjectives will have to agree in gender (masculine or feminine) with the noun:

Hola, me llamo Roberto y soy guapo (handsome)
Hola, me llamo Roberta y soy guapa (beautiful)

Also, depending on the number of puppets described, the adjectives may also need to agree in number (as well as gender) with the nouns they are referring to:

Hola, somos Roberto y Julio y somos mexicanos
Hola, somos Roberta y Julia y somos mexicanas
Hola, somos Roberto y Julia y somos mexicanos (masculine + feminine = masculine)

Thanks and see you on Tuesday/Gracias y hasta el martes.